Anima. The fastest way to get the care you need. Submit a medical or admin request and get the help you need - without waiting for an appointment. Submit a request.
Making it easier to book an appointment
We want to put an end to the 8am rush for appointments and to make it much easier for you to get the help you need.
That’s why we are making changes which will make getting an appointment easier and fairer.
What is changing
We are always looking for ways to improve the experience of our patients.
At the moment some of our appointments are given out on a “first-come, first-served” basis to those who can contact the practice each morning at 8am. It’s definitely not the best way of doing things.
That is why we are introducing a new booking system which will get you the help you need more quickly and conveniently. To make this happen we are introducing a new computer system called “Anima” and putting in place a specialist team of health professionals whose job will be to improve the process of getting an appointment at the practice.
How will things change for me
You will have some new ways that you can book an appointment with us through our website but, don’t worry, you can still telephone us or visit the practice if that is what you would prefer.
The biggest benefit is that these changes will mean there will be no more “morning rush” to queue on the telephones or queue at the surgery. No matter what time you contact us all our appointments will be prioritised by our clinical team based on medical urgency.
Other changes will include:
- More ways for you to request an appointment.
- Your case will be assessed by our clinical team who will decide the best plan is for you.
- If you care for others, you can complete an online request for them quickly and efficiently.
- You can easily log in to see the status of your request and the outcomes of your current and past appointment requests.
- You will be asked questions without medical jargon.
- You don’t need to discuss any medical issues over the phone - you can send an online request helping to improve confidentiality.
- The system is easier to use if English is not your first language, if you are deaf, or have hearing difficulties.
- Sometimes a GP is not the best person to help you with your medical concern. Our clinical team is made up of lots of different specialities and the new system will offer you the best – and earliest appointment for your individual needs.
- If you do not need to be seen urgently, you will be able to easily choose the most convenient appointment from those available.
- You will get a text message and email to keep you updated about your appointment times.
When will the new system be launched
From 29th November 2023.
As with any new system we may experience teething challenges, but we aim to keep those to a minimum.
For more information on Anima please visit https://www.animahealth.com/patients.
Do I need to do anything
You will need to register to use Anima
We will send you a message with a link when the new system is available to use.
Visit https://www.animahealth.com/patients
To register you will be sent a text message by the practice with a link to Anima. By clicking the link, you can set up an account by using an email address and creating a password. You will then be asked to verify email via the link sent. Then simply enter your own details Name, DOB, Sex, Postcode, Telephone Number, GP practice and NHS number if known. Once an account is created you can then submit you request to the practice from 29th November 2023
How does Anima work ?
1. Register
Create an account on anima or log in using your NHS app log in details.
Within your account dashboard you can see the staus of any requests you have made, book appointments and contact the practice.
Video: Anima for Patients - How to create your account
2. Submit
Whenever you have a health concern, you complete a request on the Anima website
You can submit requests for a variety of medical and administrative queries.
If you want to request a GP appointment please select the option 'I want help with a medical issue'.
Video: Anima for Patients - How to submit a request
3. Review
This request is then reviewed by a Clinician the same day and an appropriate outcome is emailed to you, along with a text.
Video: Anima for Patients - What happens next with my request?
What does Anima do?
Anima is a communication platform that allows you to seek care from your GP practice. When you have an issue that you want to contact your GP about, you can use Anima to submit your request online.
What about my data?
Anima is approved by the NHS, and we work with your GP practice or healthcare provider in order to enable them to provide you with care. We sign specific agreements to let us do this, and only collect the data that we need in order to make this happen.
What does it cost?
Nothing! Anima is absolutely free for patients to use: all you need to sign up is access to a phone or computer, an email address and mobile phone number. If you don’t have any of these, your practice can even submit requests on your behalf.
Why should I use Anima?
Anima allows your GP to get to your consultation or requests much faster than traditional methods. By using Anima, you are helping your GP save time by providing all of your information for your request all in one place. Anima helps your GP Surgery run more effectively and efficiently.
Will I get an appointment if I telephone the surgery or come into reception?
All requests will go through anima for clinical triaging before an appointment is offered. The quickest and easiest way of submitting a request is online but you can also still telephone the surgery or come into reception if you wish. The reception team will input your request into anima on your behalf and you will then be contacted later that day or for non-urgent requests a few days later with a notification of an outcome or offer of an appointment.
What if I just have a question?
You could submit a question as an Admin request via Anima and we will respond asap. If you don't have a smart phone or internet access, then speaking directly with reception is also an option.
What are the opening times for Anima?
We aim to have Anima open from 3pm Sunday to 3pm Friday every week, excluding public holidays.
Occasionally we may have to close Anima early, see below for more details.
Why Is Anima closed?
On some days, demand for a GP appointment far outweighs the safe capacity we can provide. On these days, we may have to turn anima off early because we are full. If you have an emergency in these situations, please call the reception team who will be happy to help.
Remember there are also out of hours services when we are closed, including 111 and 999.
Will patients with less symptoms be put to the bottom of the appointment list and not seen until days later?
With nearly 13,000 patients, clinical triage means that requests are prioritised in order of need. All requests will be looked at by a Clinician on the same day where possible and the level of care decided at that point. This means that patients will be seen at the right time and by the right person, so it may not be the same day. We literally do not have enough appointments to meet our daily demand and so by triaging, we give priority to the most poorly of our patients.
How soon will I hear back?
We aim to respond to all medical queries the same day where possible.
Some more routine queries may take us a few days to get back to you. You can always check the status of your query via your Anima dashboard.
What happens if I can’t access the internet or don’t feel confident using it?
Our reception team are always happy to help!
They are able to submit requests for you and can call you back to inform you of the outcome of your request and book you in for the necessary appointment.
Can I still use Anima if I don't have a mobile phone?
During your sign-up process, we will ask you for both an email address and a mobile phone number. This is so your GP practice can let you know when your doctor has made a decision regarding the request you have submitted.
But don't worry if you do not have a mobile phone, we will simply use your email address to notify you. If you don’t have an email address either, then we will telephone you on your landline.
I share the same email address as my partner, can we use the same account?
To help us with patient verification and to ensure that information sent to you by your GP practice remains secure, each account created with Anima needs to be related to a unique email address. However, one user can register and then add another user as their dependant. This means that the 'primary' user will be able to submit Anima requests on behalf of the dependant account.
Why have we changed to Anima?
GP practices are experiencing significant strain with declining GP numbers and increasing demand. Ensuring that patients are seen by the appropriate Clinician in the right place and the right time means that patient care and experience is improved, and it reduces pressure on GP practices, allowing GPs to spend their time where it is needed the most. The idea behind a total digital triage is also to avoid the “8am rush” that has become a problem for many. This approach is supported by NHS England who have advised that GP surgeries consider this approach in future.
Can I use Anima to request a repeat prescription?
Currently, the process of requesting medication through Anima is not the easiest way. We would recommend you use the NHS app to request your repeat prescriptions.
You can also drop a paper prescription request into our letter box or into the dispensary slot.
Can I book nurse appointments through Anima?
You can certainly use Anima to request nurse appointments, but these can also be booked by calling reception in the usual way.
Can I see the Clinician of my choice?
Yes! You can specify you preferred Clinician at the time of making your request. We will accommodate specific requests wherever we can do although on occasion we may not be able to offer appointments with a Clinician of choice if they are away or have no available appointments.
Is Anima an App?
No, Anima is not an app currently. It can only be accessed through the website. The Anima team are working on integration with the NHS app and we will update you when this has happened.
You can log into Anima using your NHS app login credentials or create your own unique Anima username and password.
Can I contact Anima directly?
Yes! We would encourage you to email Anima’s support team on support@animahealth.com if you have trouble using the website.
I have another question?
Please head to Anima's Help and Support Centre for answers to other FAQs.