Consultations for GPs are held at various time between 8.00am and 6.00pm Monday to Friday.
The reception desk is open from 8.00am to 6.30pm.
The practice runs an appointment system of pre-bookable and book on the day, the proportion of which can vary depending on the availability of clinicians each day. If your appointment is non-urgent or for a medication review, please book on our less busy days, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. You may book at reception one month in advance for a GP, nurses or HCA appointment.
If you would prefer, you may book your appointments online in the convenience of your own home. You will firstly need to visit the practice to register for the online service; we will provide you with your registration details. You can then book your appointment online at and follow the instructions.
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The patient also has the responsibility of providing adequate notice of cancelling appointments, so giving enough time for the cancelled appointment to be allocated to another patient.