NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (NDPP)
Type 2 diabetes increases your risk of developing many other serious and possibly life changing conditions, including heart attack, stroke and preventable sight loss, and is a major contributor to kidney failure.
The good news is that there are lots of things you can do now, to either prevent or delay Type 2 diabetes, including maintaining a healthy weight and being more active. To help people do this, we would like to invite those at risk to join a programme that can support you to make some really positive life changes. The course will help you look at ways you can eat more healthily and exercise more, while meeting other local people who are doing the same thing.
Sessions are held at various locations throughout Rotherham with times to suit you, including during the day, evenings and weekends.
Thousands of people have now attended similar programmes and successfully reduced their risk of diabetes.
We will either write or text those who meet the at risk criteria to invite them onto the course. If you are reading this and have not received an invite there is no need to contact the Practice.